This is a question I explored several months ago in a short burst of inspiration and would like to share in a post. It began simply and led to some insights that may be interesting or valuable, if you care to read:
What happens when you take the time to notice how the world is appearing to you?
You begin to see differently. You begin to notice more, and to take in more of your surroundings. You sharpen your eyes. Your mind begins to settle. Your thoughts seem less significant. You are more present. You are more focused. You begin to develop a curiosity about the world around you, which is fundamentally different from the frame of mind you were in before you started looking. You were preoccupied, obsessed, though you may not have really known it. Now, you are beginning to take an interest in things outside yourself. Your worldview is changing, shifting. Your awareness has begun to grow larger, deeper. You want to look further, and as you do, you start to see more and more.
Do you want to continue looking? Can you? Sure! Life may interrupt you. You might have to deal with a crying child or a burning stove. But, you can keep looking. You can keep fueling that intention as you do. Bring the intention into those situations. Your heart is freer now, because you took the time to notice the details of what is in front of you. Now you see your child's face, feel his sadness. You feel it as your own, and you want to help him. You listen to him, as you look. It is helpful to take a light touch. Don't try to separate yourself from the situation to return to some perfect state of aloneness and contemplation. You can bring the stillness of mind into that situation and kindle it with the intention to see.
Look with a soft gaze. Be who you are. Don’t shrink away from this moment, fearing that you’re on the wrong track. You’ve been chosen by this exact moment to experience something and to manifest something real, something beautiful. You may feel hot, uncomfortable and jittery. Or you might feel embarrassed, or angry. Maybe it’s sadness you feel. Whatever it is, you can feel it and it is now, and it is energy. Just energy. If you can be with it now, it will dissipate. Even if you can only partially open to it. Stay with it, and breathe. Relax into the feeling.
Is looking enough? Not always. Sing! Sing to yourself in the shower. Sing in the car. Hum a tune as you work at your desk. Listen to music while you make works of art. Picasso said: "To draw (or paint), you must close your eyes and sing." The connection between music and true seeing is deeper than we might realize. Our state of mind is more important than it might seem, and music, especially happy music, opens up undreamt of possibilities for expression and creativity. It also reassures us, helps us know that things are going to be alright. We can use this in artmaking to see that we do not need to rush. It is perfectly safe to let go and open the gates of creative expression fearlessly and courageously.